Tutorial #1: Your first installer

I want to go over a basic example on how to use the install tool.  I won't cover too many of the features of the tool but I will show you how to create a basic installer with minimal effort.  The idea is to highlight some of the major features of the install script generator and let you end up with a working installer that can be used right away.  Before going any further that this point it's important to note you should have NSIS installed on your computer otherwise you won't be able to do very much.  Be sure to get the latest distribution over at http:\\nsis.sourceforge.net.

Tool Settings dialog screen

Once you have NSIS installed startup the tool.  The first thing you're going to have to do is setup the tool settings.  Look at the menu bar and select "Settings" then "Tool Settings".  Set your output folder to any folder on your machine although a warning that this folder can fill up quite quickly and it really helps to keep it isolated from everything else on your computer.  I highly suggest creating an output folder where your builds will be output to. 

Set the path to your NSIS installation.  Now to finish set the folder where your template scripts are stored.  There is a template I have included with your download called "Example1.nst" which is the one we will be making use of for this tutorial.  The folder in which that file is stored is what you want to set your output folder to.  When you are finished press OK to close the dialog.

Next we need to open the example document for the purposes of this tutorial.  Go to the file menu and select "Open File".  Go to folder to which you unpacked this distribution and select "Example1.sg2".  It should open a new window in the tool displaying the document information.  Now go to the file list tab.  You'll notice one item in the list.  It's the path to the "My Documents" folder on my computer.  You will need to change this to a relevant path on your computer.  If you don't nothing exceptionally bad will happen you will merely get a message saying files cannot be found.

Now scroll to the bottom of your currently opened document and select "Generate".  This will compile all the information displayed in each of the tabs and create an NSIS script which is then passed along to NSIS to create an installer.  That's it your done!  Go to the output folder you specified in the tool settings and you should see your build located there.  Try it out! 

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